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If you would like to upload any relevant paperwork ie assessment / risk assessment
I understand
Please ensure your name and contact information is correct in order so we can contact you if necessary.
Which methods of contact are acceptable by the Service User?
Where is the service user happy to have appointments? - Please tick all that apply
Ask the SU the age, names and date of births and any additional information needed
Please give information of current substance use, pattern of use, particular details of use, details of additional use, provide harm reduction information if required etc
If no substance, add more information into notes above
Currently InjectingPreviously InjectedNever InjectedUnknown
Think about risk of harm to self, risk of harm to others, any offences that have included violence, any risk of harm to lone workers? If none write N/A in box
If none write N/A in box . Please give Social Worker name and involvement.
Include reasons why this is being prescribed and any other relevant information.
Please confirm all of these in order to confirm eligibility.
Please indicate issues to be addressed eg: Bereavement, relationships, ACE's
Please tick yes only if referring via Alcohol Liaison Nurse
Please indicate yes or no and any relevant information in box provided below.
Include here the full support needs of the client/what help are they seeking from the service.
If none, please write N/A in the box, please give social worker name and involvement